Real Estate Construction Humanity - sustainable


Land in Long Dien district has a total of 700 ha that will change the purpose of use in 2024


Land in Long Dien district has a total of 700 ha that will change the purpose of use in 2024

On the morning of November 24, the People's Council of Long Dien district, term III, term 2021-2026, approved the 2024 Land Use Plan of Long Dien district.
Thu hồi, chuyển mục đích gần 700 ha đất huyện Long Điền trong năm 2024

Accordingly, the 2024 Land Use Plan of Long Dien district has 57 projects with a total area of 692.53 hectares. It includes recovery, assignment, lease, auction, transfer, capital contribution, and land-use change.

The area of agricultural land converted to non-agricultural land and unchanged for the unused land group is 222.37 hectares.

According to the report of the People's Committee of Long Dien district, the natural land area of Long Dien district in 2023 is 7,767.25 hectares (unchanged compared to 2022). Of which, the agricultural land area in 2022 is 5,034.69 hectares; Non-agricultural land is 2,696.26 hectares; Unused land is 36.3 hectares.

In Long Dien district, there are 55 projects (14 recovery projects; 18 land lease projects; 7 land use rights auction projects; 2 land-use change projects; 14 land transfer and contribution projects, and land use rights capital) and 163 land plots registered land use plans for land allocation, land lease, and issuance of certificates. The project implementation rate is still low, and it has not met the set targets. The progress of some projects is very slow, especially irrigation projects, gas pipelines, military bases, and land auctions.

Planning in Long Dien in 2030

At the end of October, the People's Council of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province passed Resolution No. 05/NQ-HDND. On May 31, 2023, the Provincial People's Council approved the Ba Ria-Vung Tau Provincial Planning project for the period 2021-2030 and a vision for 2050. An important content is the merger of Long Dien district and Dat Do district in the period 2023-2025.

In the period 2023-2025, the province merges the entire natural area and population size of Long Dien district and Dat Do district into one unit.

Long Dien - Dat Do district is an integrated development area of agriculture, industry, services, and tourism. It also focuses on developing industry and services in the northern part of Highway 55, with Dat Do I Industrial Park.


The southern part of Highway 55 is adjacent to the sea. It promotes the role of tourism services along the coastal road DT994, agriculture and fisheries are harmonious. The development nucleus is Long Dien town, Dat Do town, Long Hai town, and Phuoc Hai town.

Previously in 2003, Long Dat district was split into two districts, Long Dien and Dat Do.

Tin Liên Quan