Real Estate Construction Humanity - sustainable


Latest regulations on Spit the land plot in Ba Ria - Vung Tau


Latest regulations on spit the land plot in Ba Ria - Vung Tau

The People's Committee of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province has just issued Decision No. 44/2023/QD-UBND on regulations on conditions for land division, land consolidation, and minimum total area for land division for each type of land in the province. The minimum limit for separating residential land is 60m2, agricultural land is 500m2.

Residential land: It is applied in areas of wards, towns, and Con Dao districts with a total area and plot size: 60m2 or more and the edge adjacent to State-managed roads which is not less than 5m, and the land plot depth is not less than 5m. In the remaining communes, the total area and size of the land plot is: 80m2 or more and the edge adjacent to the State-managed road which is not less than 5m and the land plot depth is not less than 5m.

Commercial and service land, land for non-agricultural production establishments: Total area and size of land plot: from 100m2 or more and with edges adjacent to state-managed roads of which is not less than 5m and plot depth land not less than 5m.

Agricultural land is rice growing land, the minimum area of land plots after dividing plots in wards and towns of districts, towns, cities, and Con Dao district is 500m2. The remaining communes are 1,000m2.

 Agricultural land in agricultural land planning areas (except rice land), residential land planning, commercial service land, or land for non-agricultural production establishments must ensure a minimum area after dividing the plot. such as rice cultivation land in the agricultural land planning area (mentioned above) and must have at least one side measuring 5m or more, adjacent to a road managed by the State.

For areas with separate detailed construction planning projects, the minimum total area can be divided into plots according to the decision approving the detailed construction planning and accompanying documents approved by the competent authority.

 The plot separation is carried out according to the land use planning and detailed construction planning at a scale of 1/500 approved by the competent authority. In case there is no 1/500 scale, apply the 1/2000 scale construction zoning plan approved by the competent authority. In case there is no 1/2000 scale, apply the 1/5000 scale construction zoning plan approved by the competent authority.

 In case there is no 1/5000 scale, apply the 1/10000 scale construction zoning plan approved by the competent authority. Particularly, agricultural land under land use planning is land that does not apply the above construction planning when resolving for land division.

 This Decision takes effect from October 2, 2023 and replaces Decision No. 15/2021/QD-UBND dated September 20, 2021 of the People's Committee of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province previously.

In cases where the dossier for land division or land consolidation has been validly received before the effective date of this Decision, the person receiving the dossier will continue to follow the provisions of Decision No. 15/2021/QD- People's Committee.

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