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Real Estate Business Law has just been passed to tighten the division into plots ground and ground sales


Real Estate Business Law has just been passed to tighten the division into plots ground and ground sales

What are the selling prices of some ground projects in Long An; Binh Duong prepares to have a 700ha industrial park in Bau Bang; Declare to build 500,000 social housing units, Vietnam's top real estate giant is preparing to launch its first project for sale in December; Changes division into plot and sale of ground in the recently passed through Law on Real Estate Business... were hot news last week.
Nóng trong tuần: Luật Kinh doanh Bất động sản mới vừa thông qua siết phân lô bán nền


What are the selling prices of some ground projects in Long An

Duc Hoa and Ben Luc are two areas with developed real estate markets in Long An in recent years. However, many urban areas here are still deserted after many years despite low prices.

Vietnam Lotus Village Culture - Trade - Tourism Urban Area is invested by Phuc Khang Sen Viet LA Investment Company Limited (a member company of Phuc Khang Corporation). It is located in Duc Hoa district. The urban area was built in 2015, Lotus Village Vietnam has a total area of more than 50 hectares, and a total investment of trillions of VND. After nearly 10 years, although the infrastructure of this project has been invested quite well, the number of people is very small. Only a few houses are inhabited, most of the rest are "locked doors" or unfinished construction and abandoned for many years.

The Dimond City project has a main gate located on the front of DT 830 street, and it is a project developed by Thang Loi Group in Ben Luc district. At the end of November 2023, The Dimond City project has completed internal infrastructure, trees, swimming pools, parks, and tennis courts.

Binh Duong prepares to have a 700ha industrial park in Bau Bang

The People's Council of Binh Duong province has just issued Resolution No. 42/NQ-HDND approving the 1/2,000 scale construction zoning project. Cay Truong industrial park is located in Lai Uyen town and Cay Truong II commune, Bau Bang district, Binh Duong province.

According to the approved project, Cay Truong Industrial Park has a total area of 700 hectares, and a total number of workers of about 35,000 people. Accordingly, the planning area of Cay Truong Industrial Park is located in Lai Uyen town and Cay Truong II commune, Bau Bang district, Binh Duong province. The East borders rubber land (belonging to Lai Uyen town), the West borders Ho Chi Minh Road (belongs to Cay Truong II commune), the South borders Bau Bang Industrial Park and rubber land, and the North borders rubber land ( belongs to Cay Truong II commune)

Long Thanh airport resettlement project received additional investment of nearly 967 billion VND

The Long Thanh airport recovery, compensation, and resettlement project was agreed to last until the end of 2024. At the same time, the project was supplemented with 966,749 billion VND from the central budget general reserve of the Public Investment Plan. , medium term in the period 2021 - 2025 for the project.

 Also according to the 6th session resolution, the National Assembly agreed to reduce the value added tax (VAT) rate by 2%. Groups of goods and services are specified in Resolution 43/2022 of the National Assembly on fiscal and monetary policies to support the socio-economic recovery and development program during the period from January 1 to 2022. June 30, 2024. VAT is reduced by 2%, groups of goods and services are applying a tax rate of 10% (reduced to 8%).

Some groups of goods and services are telecommunications, information technology, financial activities, banking, securities, insurance, real estate business, metals, prefabricated metals, and mining products. (excluding coal mining), coke, refined petroleum, chemical products, goods and services subject to special consumption tax.

Hanoi updated 3 social housing projects that have more than 2,000 apartments

 The City People's Committee also approved and updated 3 social housing construction investment projects, including: Social housing project located in plot CT4, CT5 under the investment project to build Dai Kim new urban area (Dai Kim ward, Hoang Mai district). The project has a total area of 2.03 hectares, including 562 apartments. Currently, the investor is preparing to build high-rise buildings in plots CT4 and CT5. It is expected to be completed in 2024.

Social housing construction investment project at plot CT6B, Southwest Kim Giang new urban area (Dai Kim ward, Hoang Mai district). The project has a total investment of 1,293 billion VND, and a total area of 10.85 hectares. The project has a total gross floor area of 33,120 square meters and 552 apartments. The project is currently deciding on its investment policy. It is expected to be completed in 2027.

Social housing construction investment project is located in plots CT7 and CT8 of Southwest Kim Giang 1 new urban area (Dai Kim ward, Hoang Mai district and Tan Trieu commune, Thanh Tri district). The project has a total investment of 1,394 billion VND and 937 apartments. Currently, the project is deciding on investment policies. It is expected to be completed in the period 2026-2027. In summary, the above 3 social housing projects will provide 2,051 apartments.

Real Estate Business Law has just been passed to tighten the division into plots ground and ground sales

 The Law on Real Estate Business (amended) takes effect from January 1, 2025. The law was passed by the National Assembly on the morning of November 28 with 465/469 in favor. Chairman of the Economic Committee Vu Hong Thanh said that many contents have been absorbed and revised. Regarding areas where land use rights are not allowed to be transferred to individuals to build their own houses, there are opinions that suggest not allowing divise into plots for sale in wards, special urban areas and class I urban areas.

In fact, allowing the division into plots to sell plots has the effect of removing difficulties for the real estate market, which still has some limitations such as: the transferee of land use rights does not build houses on schedule, so it affects the urban landscape, waste of land, speculation...

Declare to build 500,000 social housing units, Vietnam's top real estate giant is preparing to launch its first project for sale in December


VnDirect Securities Company has just updated an updated report on Vinhomes Joint Stock Company. This report updates the enterprise's social housing development plan. Specifically, Vinhomes plans to sell the social housing area located in the Vinhomes Star City project (Thanh Hoa) by the end of 2023.

The social housing project is located in Nam Trang Cat Industrial Park (Hai Phong). The project has had its total area adjusted from 26ha to 33ha, and is expected to be sold in 2024. In addition, the social housing project in Dong Ha city (Quang Tri) is also expected to open for sale in 2024.

The social housing project is located in Nam Trang Cat Industrial Park (Hai Phong). The project has had its total area adjusted from 26ha to 33ha, and is expected to be sold in 2024. In addition, the social housing project in Dong Ha city (Quang Tri) is also expected to open for sale in 2024. .
It is known that the Vinhomes Star City project (Thanh Hoa) has a total area of 9 hectares, and 3,100 apartments. The social housing project is located in Nam Trang Cat industrial park (Hai An, Hai Phong) with 3,400 apartments. The project in Dong Ha (Quang Tri) has 100 low-rise apartments.

In addition, this enterprise also has a project in Cam Ranh - Khanh Hoa, with a total area of 87 hectares but currently the project has not been informed of a detailed development plan. The Vinhomes Vu Yen - Hai Phong project has had its investment policy approved, with a total area of 50 hectares and no detailed development plan from Vinhomes.

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