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Nearly 16,000 billion in investment sources for railways in the period of 2021-2025


Nearly 16,000 billion in investment sources for railways in the period of 2021-2025

In the period 2026-2030, investment in railway projects is expected to reach VND 224,076 billion.

In the period 2026-2030, it is expected to be about VND 224,076 billion

Deputy Prime Minister Tran Hong Ha has just signed a decision approving the policy plan, solutions, and resources to implement the railway planning period 2021-2030, with a vision of 2050.

The State prioritizes focusing resources on investment, upgrading, maintenance, and protection of national railway infrastructure. It helps to ensure that Railway freight transport plays an important role in the national transportation system.

Mobilize all resources to invest in projects in the investment plan.

The State will give priority to railway lines that have not been prepared for investment, with investment roadmaps before 2030. The railway lines in operation will be implemented according to the railway safety corridor. New railway lines that have been and are being prepared for investment will be updated based on technical and specialized fields.

The State will make planning for railway lines and stations in the period up to 2030.

The implementation is carried out according to 3 planning routes, railway stations in focal areas such as Hanoi City, Ho Chi Minh City, and Hai Phong City.

Planning the railway line Lao Cai - Hanoi - Hai Phong (including the connection to Ha Long).

The master plan includes national railway stations in urban areas, key stations of national railways, and international intermodal stations (except for stations in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Hai Phong).

The railway lines that are being prepared for investment are updated with specialized technical characteristics (Ho Chi Minh City - Can Tho route...).

The Prime Minister assigned the Ministry of Transport to be responsible for reviewing railway stations for technical and specialized nature, ensuring the uniformity of the planning.

The budget is the source of capital from the State budget and other lawful capital sources. The implementation period is in the period 2022-2025.

In the period of 2021-2025, 15,924 billion VND will be arranged from public investment to implement transition projects in the medium term; start new projects, and prepare projects for the next medium term.

Continue to mobilize all resources to invest in railway projects.

In the period 2026-2030, it is expected that 224,076 billion VND will be generated from public investment capital (central budget, local budget) and other legal capital for investment according to the investment plan, plan period 2021-2030.

Continue to prepare to invest in a high-speed railway on the North-South axis

The Ministry of Transport continues to invest in projects to renovate and upgrade railway lines and stations with capital sources identified in the investment plan for the 2016-2020 period, the 2021-2025 period, and the 2026-2030 period.

Projects to ensure traffic safety (construction of crossroads, underpasses, removal of self-opening walkways... according to Decision No. 358 in 2020 of the Prime Minister).

For railways with investment progress before 2030, the source of investment capital has not been determined, the Ministry of Transport is assigned to make a list to call for investment.

Projects expected to be invested in the period 2026-2030 or the period after 2030, if there is a need for investment to serve socio-economic development and mobilize resources, they must report to the Prime Minister soon for investment planning.

For the new railway, the Ministry of Transport continues to prepare to invest in a high-speed railway on the North-South axis. By 2025, they strive to complete the project investment.

Invest in railway routes from Ho Chi Minh City to Can Tho; railway lines connecting with major transport hubs such as Bien Hoa - Vung Tau railway, Cai Mep - Thi Vai international seaport; Thu Thiem - Long Thanh railway connecting Long Thanh international airport; Hanoi - Hai Phong railway connecting with Lach Huyen international seaport…

Building a new section of railway connecting Lao Cai station with Ha Khau Bac station, connecting international transport with China and a number of countries; prepare to invest in Yen Vien - Pha Lai - Ha Long - Cai Lan railway line.

For railways with investment progress before 2030, the source of investment capital has not been determined, the Ministry of Transport is assigned to make a list to call for investment.

For railways in Hanoi: The Ministry of Transport hands over the Hanoi urban railway project file, the Yen Vien - Ngoc Hoi section to the Hanoi People's Committee for further research and investment; coordinate with the Hanoi People's Committee and relevant localities to deploy the transportation organization plan in the key area

Determining the investment route for Ngoc Hoi Complex, the Eastern Ring Railway to agree on the time of handing over the national railway sections to the Hanoi People's Committee for investment.

For railway lines connecting with national railways, localities shall deploy depending on transport needs and the ability to mobilize resources.

According to the plan, the total land use demand under the railway network plan by 2050 is expected to be 25,836 ha. The period 2021-2030 is 16,377 ha, an increase in land fund compared to the current 5,644 ha.


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