Real Estate Construction Humanity - sustainable


Binh Thuan continuously issued documents to solve difficult problems for projects and investors


Binh Thuan continuously issued documents to solve difficult problems for projects and investors

Binh Thuan Department of Planning and Investment has just issued document No. 3373/SKHDT-HTDT to remove difficulties and support businesses, investors, and investment projects in Binh Thuan province.

Bình Thuận liên tiếp ra văn bản gỡ khó dự án, nhà đầu tư

Specifically, in order to have a basis for synthesizing and classifying investors’ recommendations to report to Working Group 1279 for consideration and settlement, the Department of Planning and Investment has just proposed to specialized agencies under the Provincial People’s Committee, the authorities of the provinces, and cities. localities continue to strengthen dialogue and work directly with businesses and investors. At the same time, they need to actively receive and classify difficulties, problems, and recommendations of investors related to production–business activities, and implementation of investment projects to send to the Department of Planning and Investment (the standing body of Working Group 1279) to monitor and summarize

The Department of Planning and Investment also recommends that businesses and investors having investment projects in Binh Thuan seriously implement the quarterly and annual reporting regime on the project implementation as well as difficulties, problems or suggestions, recommendations (if any) sent to the Department, and evaluation in accordance with the Law on Investment…

At the beginning of July 2023, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee issued Decision No. 1279 establishing the Special Working Group on removing difficulties and obstacles, effectively supporting enterprises, investors, and investment projects in Binh Thuan province, referred to as Working Group 1279.

The Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee acts as the Team Leader; The Vice-Chairman is the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Committee. The working group has the participation of leaders of departments, branches, and chairmen of People's Committees of districts, towns, and cities.

Bình Thuận liên tiếp ra văn bản gỡ khó dự án, nhà đầu tư

According to the Decision, the Working Group has the task of removing difficulties, speeding up progress, and ensuring the correct order and time. They carry out a review of investment projects slowly due to problems in order to have a solution to avoid wasting land, causing loss of urban beauty and construction safety.

The working group is also responsible for reviewing the content and overlapping legal regulations in order to remove common problems for the projects.

By early August 2023, the Provincial People's Committee continued to issue Official Letter No. 2860/UBND-KT assigning specific tasks to the Department of Planning and Investment and the Department of Home Affairs to remove difficulties and support businesses and investment projects in Binh Thuan province.


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