Real Estate Construction Humanity - sustainable


Dong Nai wants to build an overpass or an underpass at a major intersection


Dong Nai wants to build an overpass or an underpass at a major intersection




The Sat Market intersection area between National Highway 1 and Nguyen Ai Quoc Street (Bien Hoa City) is an intersection with many large vehicles, often traffic jams, and a potential risk of accidents. Therefore, Dong Nai people petition the Ministry of Transport to soon build an overpass or an underpass here.

Đồng Nai muốn xây cầu vượt, hoặc hầm chui tại nút giao thông lớn thường xuyên kẹt xe

The Ministry of Transport has just issued a written response to voters in Dong Nai province. The content is to build an overpass or underpass at the Sat Market intersection between National Highway 1 and Nguyen Ai Quoc Street.

According to the Ministry of Transport, the Sat Market intersection area between National Highway 1 and Nguyen Ai Quoc Street belongs to Bien Hoa City. It includes 2 large intersections close to each other (the intersection of Thien Tan Water Plant and the intersection of National Highway 1 and Nguyen Ai Quoc street are 75m apart).

This is a densely populated urban area with many schools, Sat markets, churches, hospitals, etc., so the traffic density is high, often causing traffic jams. In Sat and Tan Bien market areas, there is also a situation where vehicles stop and park to load goods. It shows a potential risk of traffic safety.

However, budget capital is focused on key infrastructure projects, so the Ministry of Transport cannot allocate capital to build overpasses or underground tunnels.

The Ministry of Transport requests localities and relevant agencies to arrange signs, paint lines, signal lights... to strictly punish traffic violations.

In Bien Hoa City, there are currently 4 underground tunnel projects under construction at major traffic intersections.

There are 3 underground tunnels that have been put into use, including: Tan Phong underground tunnel at Dong Khoi and Nguyen Ai Quoc streets; Three Gorges Underground Tunnel at Three Gorges Roundabout; Underground tunnel at Vung Tau intersection.

The project under construction is the Hoa An bridge underpass to connect Nguyen Van Tri street and Dong Nai riverside road from Hoa An bridge (Bien Hoa city) to Vinh Cuu district. The project has a total investment of 310 billion VND and will be completed in 2024.

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