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Dong Nai receives funding for Bien Hoa Airport Planning "guaranteed no investment constraints"


Dong Nai receives funding for Bien Hoa Airport Planning "guaranteed no investment constraints"


The Ministry of Transport has just sent an official dispatch to the People's Committee of Dong Nai province and the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam on product sponsorship for Bien Hoa Airport planning.

Đồng Nai được tài trợ Quy hoạch Cảng hàng không Biên Hòa kèm yêu cầu bảo đảm không ràng buộc đến hình thức thực hiện đầu tư

According to the Ministry of Transport, Decision No. 648/QD-TTg dated June 7, 2023 of the Prime Minister approving the National Airport System Development Plan for the period 2021-2030, and vision to 2050. Ministry Transport has assigned units to implement the next steps according to regulations.

In the context of limited funding sources, and based on the opinions of the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam, the Ministry of Transport supports Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee to sponsor with the product the Bien Hoa Airport Planning for the period 2021-2030 and vision to 2050.

The Ministry of Transport emphasized, "Sponsoring and receiving sponsored products as planning documents must ensure compliance with the provisions of Clause 3, Article 38, Decree No. 05/2021/ND-CP dated January 25, 2021 of Government. It includes the management and operation of airports and aerodromes. It must ensure that there are no constraints on investment and development of Bien Hoa Airport and that the Ministry of Transport does not have to refund planning costs."

The Ministry of Transport also requested the People's Committee of Dong Nai province to direct agencies and units of the province to coordinate with the Vietnam Aviation Administration for effective implementation.

For the Vietnam Aviation Administration, the Ministry of Transport requires close guidance with Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee and relevant agencies and units to build and perfect sponsorship products. In addition, it is necessary to organize the reception of sponsored products to review and submit for approval according to regulations.

At the end of October 2023, the People's Committee of Dong Nai province sent an official dispatch requesting the Ministry of Transport to consider and approve the locality to sponsor with the detailed planning dossier product of Bien Hoa Airport.

Dong Nai Provincial People's Committee commits that Aviation Joint Stock Company's funding is voluntary, unconditional, and not for the benefit of the sponsor, affecting the common interests of the community and society. The province also commits to transparency in the planning, appraisal and approval process.

Bien Hoa Airport is a domestic airport to serve dual-use operations in the period 2021 - 2030, with a capacity of 5 million passengers/year. Vision to 2050 capacity of 10 million passengers/year. It is expected that Bien Hoa airport will be invested in under the public-private partnership (PPP) method.

Bien Hoa Airport is 25km northeast of Tan Son Nhat International Airport; 32km northwest of Long Thanh International Airport. Bien Hoa Airport is currently a level 1 military airport with 2 runways, the runways are made of cement concrete with dimensions of 3,050m x 45m. Total land area of Bien Hoa airport is 967ha, with the ability to allocate 50ha for planning a civil aviation area.

Previously in June 2023, the Ministry of Transport also received a document from the People's Committee of Ninh Thuan province. Document giving opinions on product sponsorship of detailed planning documents for Thanh Son airport. In a written response to the People's Committee of Ninh Thuan province, the Ministry of Transport commented that, in the context of limited funding, the Ministry of Transport supports the People's Committee of Ninh Thuan province to sponsor with the Thanh Son airport planning dossier product in period 2021-2030, and vision to 2050.

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