Real Estate Construction Humanity - sustainable


"New Logo - Special Event of Dai Thanh Cong Real Estate Investment Group"


"New Logo - Special Event of Dai Thanh Cong Real Estate Investment Group"

On December 23 at the Mega Ruby area, Dai Thanh Cong Real Estate Investment Group held a new logo launch event with the participation of employees, partners and guests. The holiday is not about announcing a new logo, but it is still an opportunity to share the group's vision, values and commitment for the next period.

The ceremony began with a red carpet event and a farewell party in a warm-up atmosphere. Guests are welcomed with soft music and lights, so there is a special decorative atmosphere. Representatives of Dai Thanh Cong Real Estate Group have created an exclusive experience for everyone to enjoy.

The main part of the party began with an introduction to the evolution and development of the brand. It started from initial projects to global expansion, which has had remarkable successes. The company's CEO was the one who discussed and created the new logo, as well as its meaning and importance to the company's development.

The new logo brings modernity, and creativity and reflects the group's innovative spirit. New colors and specific images were selected to create a unique brand symbol.

The sharing of customers and partners who have worked with Dai Thanh Cong Real Estate Group made the event more impressive. They provided positive symbols for the work process and collective commitment in all projects.

People meet, talk, and enjoy the holidays at a big party and music party. The launch of the new logo is an important step in the group's development and future success.


Tin Liên Quan